Soil Sampler Probe, Model HC

Product Code: E95018


Soil Testing

Spectrum Soil Sampler Probe. Draw uniform samples for use with your own onsite tests or to send to a lab. Model HC: overall length of 20.5" (50 cm), an 18" (46 cm) sample tube and an 8" (20 cm) wide handle.

Why Measure Soil Compaction?

The soil is the plant’s reservoir of water, nutrients and oxygen. Compacted soil has less pore space to store what the plant needs.  Soil compaction prevents moisture penetration, reduces fertilizer and chemical uptake, creates conditions for anaerobic microbes to build up and hinders plant root growth. In some cases, yield losses can run as high as 30% due to compaction alone.

The Importance of Soil & Water Management

Plant growth is supported by a strong root system.  Along with proper nutrition levels, plants need access to adequate air and water in the soil to develop a strong root system.  Determine soil strength by measuring compaction levels at multiple depths.  Utilize compaction and soil moisture data to make informed management decisions.