SprayMate Plus Custom for PWM Electric Motor Driver

Product Code: E25655


Micro-Trak Sprayer Products

Spray-Mate Plus by Micro-Trak®

Versatile Rate Control
Compact in size, yet packed with all the powerful rate control and calculating features you've come to expect from the SprayMate II, the SprayMate Plus was built to fit your changing needs with flexible system options like PWM control and three-way section valves. Micro-Trak has also added special features to ensure quick valve response to changes in vehicle motion; helps minimize disappointing under-applications. Rest assured that valuable console information is secure by using the "Supervisor Lock-Out" feature to prevent deletion of critical calibration figures and data.

For on-the-go rate adjustment this all-in-one automatic rate controller for liquid and anydyrous is available at a very affordable price. This very popular Micro-Trak controller offers the features you need to put you "On Target" and keep you there. Push/button auto/manual function allows for spot treatments.

The Spray-Mate II features a large, easy-to-read liquid crystal display, easy-to-use rotary dial, and lighted panel for night use. It displays:

  • Volume (1) (2) (3): Displays total gallons (liters) or lbs. (kg) NH3 applied. May be reset. (Note Volume and Area counters work in pairs. If area counter 1 is reset, it also resets Volume counter 1.)
  • Volume/Minute: Displays total galons (liters) of liquid applied per minute, or lbs. (kg) NH3 per minute.
  • Tank: Displays gallons (liters) of liquid
  • Rate: Displays application rate (gpa/lph).
  • Area (1) (2) (3): Keeps a running count of the total acres (hectares) worked. May be reset. (Note Volume and Area counters work in pairs. If Area counter 1 is reset, it also resets Volume 1 counter.)
  • Distance: Displays distance travelled in feet (meters); may be reset.
  • Area/Hour: Displays current work rate in acres per hour (hectares per hour).
  • Speed: Displays ground speed in miles per hour (km per hour).


  • Built-in boom switches for control of up to three boom sections
  • Provides improved chemical efficiency and accuracy
  • Entire front panel and display are backlit for easy viewing at night
  • Out-of-range warning light notifies operator of application errors
  • Push-button auto/manual feature for spot treatments
  • Records total volume applied to the nearest tenth of a gallon
  • Minimum flow feature to ensure proper application pattern as ground speed slows to extremes
  • Run/Hold master switch is standard with each unit
  • Standard 3/4" nylon flow meter and 1" control valve for 2-40 gpm, 150 psi
  • Weather-resistant console and weatherproof connectors
  • Optional run/hold kit available for hands-free operation
  • Non-volatile memory so settings and totals are retained with power off
  • User selectable English and metric measurement units
  • One-year warranty with an extended two-year option (no extra charge) for a total of three years